Page 14 - Voice and representation of platform driver in VietNam
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8   CHAPTER 2: Defining the relationship of platforms and drivers

            fixing the fees (Decree 10, Art. 35). At the moment,   relationship  between  platform  drivers  and  platform
            Fast Go  is  the only  ride-hailing  and  delivery  platform   companies. Firstly, the platform driver is not the one paid
            that  offers  fixed  rates  of  fees  for  users  and  drivers,   by the platform company, but receives transportation
            while others adjust fees unilaterally.  This means the   fees  from  consumers.  Secondly,  they  are  not  subject
            ride-hailing platforms do not fully meet the criteria to   to the management, operation and supervision of the
            register as software providers only.              platform company, manifesting in the fact that drivers
                                                              have  the  right  to  actively,  that  is  discretion  to  turn
            There  is  also  an  important  difference  between  car-  off/on  the  application,  declining  a  work  assignment.
            drivers and bike-riders in terms of legal status. Decree   Thirdly, the platform company’s code of conduct that
            10  requires  that  car-drivers  must  register  either  with   app-based  drivers  must  comply  with  is  not  imposed
            a transportation service provider or a transportation   by the platform company unilaterally, but instead is an
            cooperative to provide ride-hailing services, while this   agreement between the two parties. Finally, app-based
            requirement does not apply to bike-riders. This means   drivers  are  seen  by  platform  companies  as  ‘business
            there are two types of car-drivers working across the   partners’ rather than workers. The main basis of these
            platforms: (i) drivers of transportation companies (such   arguments  is  Article  3(1),  Labour  Code  2019,  which
            as traditional taxi companies) who also receive orders   defines EE as “an employee who works for an employer
            from platforms that partner with their companies (for   as agreed upon, paid and subject to the management,
            example,  Grab  has  GrabTaxi,  Fast  Go  has  Fast  Taxi).   administration and supervision of the employer.”
            In this case, the drivers are primarily employees of
            taxi  companies,  (ii)  self-employed  drivers  registering   The VGCL has not made an official statement on the
            as  members  of transportation cooperatives,  but  only   issue. However, some VGCL leaders and experts have
            working  for  the  platforms.  In  the  latter  case,  drivers   publicly  expressed  their  views  towards  viewing  app-
            have  to  pay  a  registration  fee  and  annual  fees  for   based drivers as EE. In a recent statement, VGCL Vice
            cooperatives to get a license for providing ride-hailing   Chairman  Ngo  Duy  Hieu  expressed  his  support  for
            services,  although  cooperatives  do  not  have  actual   the view that app-based drivers were employees and
            relationships with them.                          their  relationship  with  platform  companies was  an
                                                              employment relationship. Explaining this view, he said:
            The  official  perspective  of  whether  or  not  platform
            drivers/riders are employees is expressed in Report No.   “[Regardless  of]  the  fact  that  platform  companies
            45/BC-BTP  to  the  Prime  Minister  by  the  Ministry  of   always consider drivers as partners, but [the] daily work
            Justice (dated March 17, 2021): “Drivers for platforms   of drivers-workers must comply with their instructions
            such  as  Grab  are  not  paid  by  Grab  but  receive   on the division of ‘rides’, on handling labour discipline,
            transportation fees from service users (consumers)   as well as on safety, uniforms, hours clearly show the
            through the platform after subtracting the service fee   employment relationship at the enterprise.” 28
            for the platform. On the other hand, more importantly,
            drivers for platforms such as Grab are not subject to   With the same view, another VGCL expert – Le Dinh
            Grab’s  management, operation and  supervision  as a   Quang – also emphasized:
            traditional worker, drivers have the right to turn off/
            on the app to participate in providing services when   “This  is  clearly  not  a  cooperation  contract,  but  a
            needed, have the right to refuse to pick up or even   relationship between the employer and the employee.
            cancel the car after receiving. Grab’s Code of Conduct   Grab is taking advantage of strict labour regulations to
            is considered an agreement between Grab and drivers   give drivers the form of cooperation contracts.” 29
            as drivers must agree to this Code of Conduct when
            participating in the platform[.] Grab also calls drivers   Quang also referenced Article 13 of the 2019 Labour
            who  join  its  platform  ‘driver  partners’,  i.e.  consider   Code to show that it was not important how a driver
            them business partners and not workers. As analyzed   is defined by the platform itself, but that between the
            above, depending on the specific case as prescribed by   driver and company there was an agreement on paid
            law, the nature of the contract relationship between   employment.
            the service provider and the connected platforms is still
            a commercial contract (be it a brokerage contract or an   In  our  survey,  drivers  were  asked  to  define  their
            authorisation contract). 26
                                                              relationship  with  the  platforms.  Most  drivers  defined
                                                              themselves as ‘business partners’; yet, a much higher
            In  other  words,  the  Ministry  of  Justice  stated  four   rate of bike-riders (40.15 percent) identified as being
            factors  for  determining  that  there  is  no  employment   in  an  ‘employment  relationship’  with  platforms  than

            26  Department of Justice, p. 16. This report consulted with numerous agencies, including the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.
            27  Interview with PTL (Zoom, 25/3/2021); Interview with LĐQ (TPHCM, 6/4/2021).  See also:

            Voice and representation of platform drivers in Vietnam
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