Page 16 - Voice and representation of platform driver in VietNam
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Figure 5: What is your relationship with the ride-hailing platform company?
                                                 Car-drivers  Bike-riders
           10   CHAPTER 2: Defining the relationship of platforms and drivers

                                                          40.15      43.21
            In  our  survey,  the  drivers/riders  were  asked  to  rank   time workers on platforms is much higher than part-
            the importance of platform companies in determining   time  ones  and  that  of  car-drivers  is  also  higher  than
            their  income  and  other  working  conditions  (work   bike-riders.  Comparing  the  three  biggest  ride-hailing
            hours, work safety, work security). As shown in Figure   platforms  –  Grab,  GoViet  and  Be  –  it  is  interesting
            6,  the  workers  found  that  platform  companies  play   that the economic dependence is highest with GoViet,
            a significantly more decisive role in determining their   followed by Grab and the lowest with Be – the only
                                                                  Using platform only,
                                 Business partnership
            income (3.84/5) than other work environments (2.59/5)   platform that has registered as a transportation service
            they  experience.  The  economic  dependence  of  full-  provider. no relationship
            Figure 6: Role of platform companies in determining the income and working conditions of platform drivers and riders
            (Ranking of importance 1-5)
           Figure 6: Role of platform companies in determining the income and working conditions of platform
            *Ranking from the least important of 1 to most important of 5
                                    drivers and riders (Ranking of importance 1-5)
            Source: Survey of platform drivers and riders

                                              Income    Other working conditions

              3.84        3.95                    3.96       4.03        3.75        3.76        4.13

                                      3.22                                                           3.14

                  2.59        2.56        2.69        2.54       2.59        2.76        2.42

                Total      Full-time  Part-time     Grab      Go Viet       Be       Bike riders  Car drivers

            Technological relationship                        result in temporary suspension of access to the app. The
                                                              drivers’  smartphones  are  also  scrutinised  by  the  app.
            The  supervision  of  work  in  the  ride-hailing  platforms   Some drivers reported that they got warning messages
            is  divided  between  the  platform  company  and  users.   from the platform if they download any other apps.
            The users’ rating plays an important role in determining
            the drivers’ performance, access to order allocation,
            and  even  employment  in  the  platform.  A  bike-rider   Algorithmic management is supposed to be automatic
            explained:  “If  I  get  a  five-star  rating  for  six  months   and fair. However, the algorithms are designed in such
            continuously, I will get many incentives like bonus   a  way  that  the  number  of  drivers/riders  reaching  the
            points,  better  orders.  If  I  get  to  just  below  five,  the   higher rankings and bonus points is under control. The
            number of orders drops immediately. In the worst   drivers and riders often find the apps prolong the time
            case, if a rider raised his voice with the client and the   required to reach the incentive target: “I’m supposed
            client complains via the app, that rider may risk being   to finish 20 trips for a day to get to the bonus point.
            removed from the app permanently”.                I started working from 6am and I completed 18 trips
                                                              by 2pm. But then I did not get any more orders until
                                                              6pm. I had to stay alert in the street, waiting for hours.
            Although in principle, the drivers/riders have the right   Sometimes I became too tired and called it a day before
            to reject orders suggested to them via the apps, they   I got enough orders for a bonus” – said a bike rider in
            are  subject  to  discipline  if  they  do  so  repeatedly.  For   Ho Chi Minh City. This situation was fairly common in
            instance, three continuous rejections or more than 15   other countries reported Uma Rani, a senior economist
            percent of trips rejected in one day by the driver may   at the ILO :


            Voice and representation of platform drivers in Vietnam
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