Page 18 - Voice and representation of platform driver in VietNam
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12   CHAPTER 3: Loyalty, exit or voice? Platform workers’ organising strategies


            3.1. Platform drivers’ responses to dissatisfaction  “The hotlines via the app are not good. They give
                                                                 me automatic answers. So what we would do is to
            Hirschman  (1970)  categorises  three  categories  of   file our complaints over the app and fix a date when
            employees’ responses to job dissatisfaction, namely: (i)   we would meet with the platform people in their
            Loyalty – sticking to the firm, accepting the situation   office. Then, they were prepared and they would
            and  hoping  for  improvement,  (ii)  Voice – attempts   offer us a thorough response.”
            to  change  the  situation  by  a  range  of  actions  from
            appeals to protests and (iii) Exit – voluntary separation
            or  turnover  from  the  job.  Although  these  categories   “I raised my feedback over the app that I rejected
            emerged from and have been mainly applied to workers   the order because there were more passengers than
            in traditional sectors, they provide a useful framework   allowed but the platform did not respond.”
            for  analysing  the  responses  of  platform  drivers  to
            technology companies.                                “If we make complaints, we may get blacklisted.
                                                                 Our orders will be reduced. If we strike, they [the
                                                                 platforms] will monitor our registration numbers
            As shown in Figure 7, the overall satisfaction rate of
            the  surveyed  workers  is  not  high  –  standing  at  2.91   and we may get deactivated permanently. I know
            out  of  five.  Car-drivers  were  more  satisfied  with  the   some riders who posted complaints on social media
            platforms than bike-riders (3.17 vs. 2.84). Among the   and their apps were deactivated.”
            three  biggest  platforms,  Go-Viet  earned  the  highest
                                                                 “We complained about the new [bonus] policy but
            satisfaction rate among its peers, while Grab had the   Figure 7: Satisfaction rates of platform drivers/riders with their platforms (max.: 5.0)
            lowest.                                              they [the platform representatives] replied if you do
                                                                 not accept it, you can quit! We are the underdogs,
                                                                 we can not do anything.”      3.34
            Figure 7: Satisfaction rates of platform drivers/riders with   3.5  3.17                 3.21
            their platforms (max.: 5.0)                           3  2.91         2.84
        Figure 7: Satisfaction rates of platform drivers/riders with their platforms (max.: 5.0)  is  interesting  to  note  that  while  nearly  40  percent
            Source: Survey of Platform Drivers (n=355)        of  drivers  chose  loyalty,    meaning  they  accepted  the
              4                                                   2
                                                              current  conditions  and  continued  work,  around  20
             3.5         3.17                 3.34   3.21     percent  would  exit  the  company  and  25  percent
                  2.91                                        decided to take collective action to push for changes
              3                 2.84   2.66                   (Figure  8).  Collective  actions  have  proven  to  be  the
             2.5                                              most effective way for drivers to push platforms into
              2                                               dialogue. As shown in Figure 9, 38 percent of drivers
                                                                                              Go Viet
                                                              who  ever  raised  grievances  found  that  the  platforms
             1.5                                                         Source: Survey of Platform Drivers (n=355)
                                                              would  only  respond  to  them  upon  the  leverage  of
              1                                               collective actions.
             0.5                                                 Figure 8: What would you do if you had a grievance (%)?
              0                                               Figure 8: What would you do if you had a grievance (%)?
                  Total  Car    Bike   Grab  Go Viet  Be      (n=354) 37
                      Source: Survey of Platform Drivers (n=355)   60.00
            The  satisfaction  rates  tended  to  climb  when  the                53.95    51.41
            platform companies were willing to respond properly
            to drivers’ queries and grievances. In fact, more than   39.27
             Figure 8: What would you do if you had a grievance (%)?
            half  of  drivers/riders  claimed  they  would  turn  to
            official platform communication channels first to raise                                  24.86
            their  grievances  before  resorting  to  other  measures    19.21
    60.00                                               20.00
            (Figure  8).  However,  among  drivers  who  raised  their
            grievances,  only  18  percent  received  prompt  and
    50.00                                               10.00
            satisfactory  responses  from  the  platforms  (Figure  9).
    40.00   In the meantime, 22 percent got no response and 18  0.00
                                                                                           Using the
            percent received automatic or general replies:     Accept  Quit for another Discuss with peers  platform's  Collective actions
    30.00                                            24.86                              grievance channels
            37   Note that in this question, the respondents could choose more than one option.
           Accept  Quit for another Discuss with peers  Using the  Collective actions
                     platform            platform's
                                       grievance channels
            Voice and representation of platform drivers in Vietnam
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