Page 11 - Voice and representation of platform driver in VietNam
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CHAPTER 1: Work platforms - an overview  5

                consultation of social partners that would run for   Impacts of COVID-19 on ride-hailing platforms
                six weeks. 13
                                                              The  ride-hailing  platforms  across  the  world  were  hit
                                                              hard by the COVID-19 pandemic due to the application
            •   Spain: in late February 2021, the Ministry of Labour   of  lock-down  measures.  The  number  of  trips  in  the
                of Spain committed to giving a maximum of three   United  States  for  Uber  has  fallen  to  70  percent  of
                months  to  platforms  to  incorporate  distributors   the pre-pandemic level (Hawkins, 2021). In Southeast
                as salaried employees. 14
                                                              Asia, Grab laid-off around 360 employees or almost 5
                                                              percent  of  its  headcount,  after  slashing  discretionary
            In  other  countries,  governments  have  stepped  up   spending in the first half of 2020.  Grab also reported
            efforts to extend social security benefits to gig workers.   that its ride-hailing drivers saw their incomes decrease
            For example:                                      by  about  a  double-digit  percentage  in  April  2020,
                                                              compared to October 2019.  However, by September
            •   India’s Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman   2020,  its  turnover  recovered  by  95  percent  of  the
                proposed  in  the  annual  budget  to  extend  social   pre-pandemic  level  with  the  surge  of  food  delivery
                security benefits to gig workers. 15          services. Grab, Uber and Lyft observed an influx of new
                                                              driver  requests  mainly  from  those  who  were  laid-off,
            •   Australia’s  Labour  Party  proposed  a  plan   furloughed or small merchants who lost income during
                of  reforms  to  improve  job  security  and  provide   the pandemic.
                minimum  pay  to  those  in  insecure  work,  gig
                workers included. 16                          In Vietnam, platform drivers and riders claimed that their
                                                              income in 2020 declined by 30-50 percent compared
            •   The  French  Minister  of  Labour,  Elisabeth   to  that  in  2019  (Interviews  with  platform  drivers,
                Borne,  entrusted three personalities  with  a   December 2020-March 2021). At the same time, the
                mission on the social and legal status of the self-  ride-hailing  platforms  interviewed  also  reported  a
                employed working for web platforms (Uber, Uber   notable increase of new driver requests during 2020.
                Eats or Deliveroo). 17                        However, the platforms have intentionally slowed the
                                                              recruitment process as “the market demand is low
            •   The  Danish  Chamber  of  Commerce  and  3F   so we want to ensure that the existing drivers have
                Transport has concluded a  nationwide  collective   sufficient orders” (Interview with the representative of
                agreement for food delivery services. 18      Grab Vietnam, March 2021).

            In 2019, the ILO’s Global Commission on the Future of
            Work called for the ‘development of an international
            governance  system  for  digital  labour  platforms  (and
            their  clients)  to  respect  certain  minimum  rights  and
            protections’ (ILO  2019, p. 13). It could set minimum
            standards  as  well  as  develop  the  infrastructure
            necessary  for  facilitating  payments  to  social  security
            systems,  and  it  could  also  establish  a  representative
            board to adjudicate disputes between platforms, clients
            and workers.

            21   Ibid.

                                                                         Voice and representation of platform drivers in Vietnam
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