
German-Vietnamese Law Days

The annual German-Vietnamese Law Days happened between October 9th and 11th this year. The event is part of the ongoing dialogue among the German and Vietnamese constitutional state, a project, which is closely accompanied by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

Mr. Erwin Schweisshelm giving an opening speech|© FES Vietnam

Law experts and organizers on the second day of the conference|© FES Vietnam

The Hanoi Law University hosted the event. The topics have been environmental as well as competition law in the scope of sustainable development. Guests from Germany have been Prof. von Hauff from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Dr. Fontana from the University of Göttingen and Prof. Kessler from the University of Applied Sciences Berlin. 

The interaction of economy and environment has been the central issue of the event, as the interests of companies and the ambition for growth often prevent the successful implementation of environmental protection in Vietnam. Even though the country ratified several international agreements, the standards are not always met due to insufficient realization. In many cases a lack of good financing mechanisms is the cause. Prof. von Hauff showed up several examples for economic development as foundation for new business strategies. Political inducements for green investments are of great importance. Also in Germany the development is not sufficient. Many of the goals set up by the German government as part of their sustainability strategy are still not fulfilled. 

During the event there has been a consensus about successful cooperation among politics and economy being the most important foundation for sustainable growth. ‘Sustainable Industrial Zones’, in which recycling of garbage, the treatment of sewage, logistics, public transport and other issues are centrally coordinated according to ecologic guidelines could be a promising model for the future. In addition, companies in Vietnam need to bear responsibility for the damage they cause in the environment. Especially big companies from foreign countries are barely sanctioned for their environmental misconducts.

The participants see further demand for action, also in the area of completion law, especially regarding to the avoidance of monopoles as well as consumer protection and are interested in German and European legislative solutions. 

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