
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) was established in 1925 and is the oldest of Germany`s political foundations. It is a private and non-profit organization which is committed to the ideas of social democracy. Its name derives from the first democratically elected German President, Friedrich Ebert, and the foundation continues following his ideals of shaping politics in the spirit of freedom, solidarity and social justice. This is the mandate the foundation has adopted in its programmes for political education, international cooperation as well as scholarship programmes and research.

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung maintains its own representations in over 100 countries of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe and North America. Approximately 90 German staff are posted worldwide at present and – with the assistance of numerous local staff – are engaged in the fields of socio-political development and international dialogue. FES spends approximately half of its annual budget on international activities. Its partners come from politics, business, associations, trade unions, academia, and also from the communication sector and cultural institutions.

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung sees its international activities as a contribution to:

  • promoting peace and understanding between peoples and inside its partner countries,
  • supporting the democratization of the State and society and strengthening civil society,
  • improving general political, economic and social conditions,
  • reinforcing free trade unions,
  • developing independent media structures,
  • facilitating regional and worldwide cooperation between states and different interest groups and
  • gaining recognition for human rights.

For a detailed overview of our international work, please see the following publication:

Promoting Democracy, Creating Peace, Shaping Globalisation
Learn more about FES and visit the German website

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Berlin

Hiroshimastraße 17 and 28
D-10785 Berlin 

+49 030 26935-6
+49 030 26935-9244

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Bonn

Godesberger Allee 149
D-53175 Bonn

+49 0228 883-0
+49 0228 883-9207

Vietnam Office

7 Ba Huyen Thanh Quan
Ba Dinh
Hanoi - Vietnam
IPO Box 44

+84   24 38455108
+84   24 38452631


Team & Contact

Annual reports

Annual reports

Take a look at our past work, upcoming projects, our organization and the mission of FES. More

Friedrich Ebert (1871-1925)

Friedrich Ebert (1871-1925)

Friedrich Ebert served from 1919 to 1925 as the first President of the Weimar Republic. He advocated the development of parliamentary democracy, viewed himself as the president of all Germans, and was committed to a politics geared to social balance and compromise. In his will, he specified that the proceeds from donations at his funeral should be used to create a foundation. The main concern of FES from then on was to work against discrimination of workers in the area of education. More