Page 24 - Voice and representation of platform driver in VietNam
P. 24
The sharing economy is a new and growing business Kingdom, the platform drivers who work full-time
model. The regulatory frameworks of numerous for at least one month are entitled to social and
countries around the world has been constantly health insurance).
challenged, re-interpreted and revised to fit with this
new form of work. In Vietnam, whether or not the • Instead of using traditional organising tactics, the
engagement between the platforms and their drivers trade unions should use internet-based channels
is defined as an ‘employment relationship’ remains to recruit membership from platforms for the
highly controversial among State agencies. There have syndicates.
been calls by the VGCL and labour experts to classify
the platform drivers as ‘employees’ of the technology • The newly-established syndicates should establish
companies. However, labour administrators (MOLISA official connections with the local platform
and DOLISAs) described this relationship as ‘business management and the network of team leaders to
partnership’ and defined the platform drivers as ‘self- facilitate communication and consultations. The
employed’ due to their flexibility of working or leaving union-affiliated guild could be a good model for
the platforms (Interviews with representatives from these syndicates to adapt to because the best way
MOLISA and DOLISAs in Hanoi and HCMC). to ‘win the hearts’ of potential members is to be
able to represent their voices in dialogues with the
However, as demonstrated in this study, the drivers platforms.
– especially those who rely on the platforms as their
principal source of income and full-time employment, • In the case of car-drivers who are registered with
do not necessarily enjoy a lot of flexibility. The cooperatives, the experience of SMart in Belgium is
algorithmic management that provides incentives for that the cooperatives can act as the employers of
prolonged working hours and sanctions for rejections drivers and deal with the platforms as clients of the
of work tends to tie the drivers tightly to the platforms cooperatives. In that way, the sharing rate, bonus,
rather than offering them more choices. allocation of orders and other working conditions
will be negotiated between the cooperatives and
The study also reaffirms that despite the new business platforms. In this way, the drivers will become
model, the needs of the platform workers are not employees and are entitled to the employees’
different from those in traditional sectors: the need to rights and benefits.
raise their voices, get their voices heard and negotiate
with the platforms before any substantial changes The surest thing about gig and platform work
that affect their work conditions and income are is that it will continue to evolve. The trends
implemented. and technological innovations are shaping, and will
continue to shape the future of work. Workplace
Before the question of legal classification is settled, models that encourage platform work are impacting
there are a number of things the platforms and relevant workers now and we should expect these trends to
authorities can do to improve the relationship between continue. As the ILO Director-General recently pointed
the platforms and their drivers as well as protect both out, “it is fundamentally important that we confront
parties’ interests: these challenges from the conviction that the future of
work is not decided for us in advance. It is a future
• The platform companies should improve their that we must make according to the values and the
communication channels to allow for effective and preferences that we choose as societies and through
regular feedback from drivers/riders. Instead of the the policies that we design and implement” (ILO, 2017).
‘take it or leave it’ approach which has proven to
be unsustainable, the platforms should allow for
two-way dialogues with their partners.
• There should be a categorisation of drivers/
riders who work full-time for the platforms and
those who do not. More benefits and protection
should be given to those who work full-time for a
minimum period of time (for example: in the United
45 See this article, for instance:
Voice and representation of platform drivers in Vietnam